The Shadow Forest

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


My counselor said something wonderful today. He is so insightful.

I asked him how, if I were to ever be married again, I could know I wouldn't make the same mistakes. How can I know I've truly changed? Some days I feel like I've learned JuJitsu because I read a book, and I can move on the next thing. (Matrix reference for those of you who are lost) Then two days, two weeks, or two years later, the same problems may creep up. How can I know?

He told me something one of his mentors told him. He said:

"There are two days that are God's alone, yesterday and tomorrow. Today is the day you both have. Worry about today, for tomorrow has its own worries, and you cannot change yesterday."

Now, obviously, this has to be taken in the greater context of eternity, but with that in mind, there is so much truth here. I worry so much about figuring out the future, and lamenting the past, that sometimes I leave no room for today.

God is changing me. He is sanctifying me. Let me encounter each day's transformation on its own.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The problem with being human, is that we're human. We are all subject to obstacles that the devil WILL throw at us. He will sit back and wait for us to mess up....and then try to set us up again with a similar senario. (and again and again) Nowhere in the Bible does it say that life is easier as a Christian. It says, "When" life is hard, He is right there with you. The Bible says, "Do not fear. It only causes harm." When you become a Christian, you have to do one of the hardest things a human can do. Give up control. And you do that with faith. Faith is the evidence of things unseen. That doesn't mean that you're walking through this life without a map. The Bible is your map and the Holy Spirit is you navigator/copilot/pilot/flight attendant...... That's a flight I'll take anyday!